Visual Artist

Liliana Folta


Medium: 95% repurposed, yarn, textile, beads, genuine stones, handmade ceramic, polymesh bags and vintage bijouterie - 3 x 4.5 ft.

Private Collection - 2023

Inspired by the topography of Maine, surrounded by lush greenery of forests, lakes and the changing colors of the seasons. The idea of creating this tapestry was to collect repurposed textiles from close friends and family and surprise the collector with the story behind the work for her new home in Maine.

In this practice I explore an art form that generated the need for material during the pandemic and awareness about the pollution of fast fashion and recycling. The work becomes much more organic, the colors are carefully chosen with a theme in mind and it is only for private commission or specific installation the hospitality and the corporate sector that is committed to support environmental topics.


"Pollinator's Menu"

Medium: acrylic, gold paint, recycled chocolate foil and repurpose materials on brown shopping bags - Installed individually on clipboards with cut silhouette butterflies. 17”H x 11”W each - 2023

Climate change has impacted biodiversity around the globe, it is another environmental crisis that needs to be addressed along with the current changes of the climate, because everything is connected.

This site-specific installation took part in the “State of The Earth” project at Midway Gallery in Fort Point, Boston. I selected a few of my favorite plants that are native to the American Northeast. The photographs were taken by myself in public and private gardens as a reference and each work has a brief text about the characteristics of the plants, and some important pollinators. It has been an inspiration to create these artworks as a venue to raise awareness of the biodiversity crisis.

Climate action is crucial in the art sector, it is an environmental responsibility. I am excited to be able to contribute and continue to spread the word about the importance of planting native plants for pollinators no matter where you live, this is a global issue. Together we can help the natural world thrive.


"I am the Observer and Nature is My Teacher"

This site-specific installation was created for SPOKE Art Gallery in Boston, with repurposed materials such as glass, chocolate paper, genuine stones, found objects and handmade ceramics from previous projects. The flowers are painted in acrylic on paper, cut and mounted on birch wood panels and recycled cardboard. These new works feature images of plants and pollinators native to North America.

Curated by Kathleen Bitetti - 2022


"Meadows - The Gardening Revolution"
Repurposed textiles, vintage metal flowers, handmade ceramic, semi precious stones, yarn and wire - 34"H x 68"W - 2021

The Danforth Art Museum Juried Exhibition 2022
Framingham Massachusetts.

During the spring of 2021 I was inspired by an organization that makes meadows for biodiversity. I joined the opportunity to research and learn about the importance of planting native plants and trees for pollinators, so they can continue the natural process of the ecosystem.

There is an urgency to this practice and I want to be part of a better future by challenging city parks, private gardens and the next generations to practice sustainable gardening.

Exotic plants sold in nurseries do not support pollinator diversity. Habitat loss, climate change, toxic pesticides and disease are major drivers of the decline of living organisms; bees, butterflies, other insects and birds are endangered, declining in numbers and have an unpredictable future.

Green grounds of corporate buildings, university campuses and churches, for example, can be transformed within meadows. Mega green yards, as neat as they may look, do nothing to help the ecosystem, as most are maintained with pesticides.


Native flowers of Northeast of America: "Purple coneflower" - "Scarlet bee balm" - "Blanket flower" - "Serviceberry" - "Wild Bergamot" - "Wild geranium"
The native flower paintings are in acrylic on paper and are available for limited edition printing of 250 - size 16” x 20” on acid-free German paper upon request.
Also available for open print - size 8" x 10" on acid-free paper.

Copyright © 2025 by Liliana Folta, All Rights Reserved.